Heltec HT-M01S indoor gateway

Yes, Uses can update firmware via UART or OTA.

That’s a good idea, we will talk that in the regular meeting next week on Monday.



I have one HT-M01S (firmware Rev.1.2) and I´m trying to connect to TTN servers without success. After some time (the message below shows that the connection was made), the message “Disconnect from server. Please check network” is displayed (I´ve checked all the network connectio and it´s fine). Is there any compatibility problem between this device and TTN?

Local UDP port=1700, Connection successful
LoraWan Server : brazil.thethings.network, port: 1700

Could you please check it out?


Eduardo Bastos

Have you read any of the messages above yours? Heltec successfully tested against V3. May-be you should try V3 as well as V2 will be schutdown later this year. Add new gateways to V3 to avoid having to migrate later this year.

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Hi Kersing,

Thank you so much for helping me in this issue. Changing to TTN V3 made my HT-M01S works like a charm. I got the message “Connect gateway” at the new V3 console interface and I´m now able to receive information from my gateway. I want to apologize for not reading the previous messages in this thread since I was in a hurry. Tks again.


Eduardo Bastos

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Easiest thing ever to setup. Very happy with it and the price is right. Advertised as indoor only but I will mount on the eaves and see how I go

Now i have received my HT-MS01 gateway from Heltec and following the Quick Start, I have integrated it into the home network via WiFi without any problems. The IP address has been assigned to it via DHCP.

Unfortunately I cannot reach the gateway via IP address, do you know if connecting this way is an option? Or do I have to start over with every gateway adjustment as described in the Quick Start, so also access via the gateway WiFi on IP address

BTW: In a terminal program (USB / 115200 / 8N1 / none) all kinds of relevant (JSON) info is shown but I don’t know if I should work this way. It looks if AT-commands are not answered by the gateway.

I never managed to connect to its web server while it was operating, only in setup mode via the ssid it broadcasts

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Thank you for your answer Roger. Indeed it seems that the gateway can only be accessed during setup, after your confirmation I don’t have to search any further. That in itself is of course not a big problem and the gateway works fine. I am satisfied with my purchase.

Hi Hans,

Sorry about the delay. I was in a hurry here and didn´t have enough time to come back to this thread. AFAIK, there´s no way to connect via browser to this gateway AFTER it´s running. If you want to change some parameter, you have to reset it, connect to it via WiFi and go the configuration screen pointing your browser to It would be nice if this feature was deployed by Heltec.


Eduardo Bastos

I agree it would me a nice future. But untill now it works perfect, I’m satisfied.

Yes, I´m also very satisfied. It´s a very robust piece of hardware and the cost is very appealing compared to the benefits.

We are trying to add the DHCP function.

In the beginning, we were worried that DHCP would take up MCU resources and affect the message queue of LoRaWAN, which would increase the packet loss rate.

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I’m trying to setup my new HT-M01S to connect to The Things Stack (TTS).

Tried following the instructions from Heltec on TTN but got stucked after getting the gateway connected to my wifi network. I’m able to get an IP address assigned to the gateway.

I proceeded to add this gateway from TTS console, but the status seems to be always disconnected.
Is there any good documentation that I can refer to?

Thanks for your help in advanced.

Did you tell the gateway where TTN lives? As far as I know the Heltec images still point to V2 so for V3 you might need to manually configure the backend. (something like eu1.cloud.thethings.network, depending on where on the globe you are)

Not sure what happened…
I’ve deleted and re-added my gateway, and the status is “connected” now. LOL

Hi there. Now the HT-M01S had added the DHCP function with V1.3 firmware: https://resource.heltec.cn/download/HT-M01S/firmware/complete_firmware/M01S_firmware_V1.3.zip

Because the DHCP function had modified the web page files in the FLASH, so the firmware can only upgrade via serial port.

Unfortunately, V1.3 connected to V3 does not work with me:

Heltec HT-M01S firmware Rev V1.3

SERVER ADDR : eu1.cloud.thethings.network
PORT UP : 1700
PORT DOWN : 1700
LOGIN PASS : heltec.org

ETH Started, Connecting…
ETH Connected
IPv4:, FULL_DUPLEX, 100Mbps

MDNS responder started
HTTP server started
get time from : europe.pool.ntp.org

Time synchronized : 2021-08-07 15:41:17 CET

Local UDP port=1700, Connection successful
LoraWan Server : eu1.cloud.thethings.network, port: 1700
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Setup:: ERROR hostByName SERVER_ADDR
Get server IP Failed, restart gateway

That looks rather like a local DNS / network configuration issue.

Maybe you are right. But the network works with all other devices (including some other gateways) and I have no idea where I should change something in the settings of the HT-M01S

Hi @SensorsIOT

Sorry for the late.

Refer to the log printed by HT-M01S, everything works well but in the last step, the system can’t get the IP address of eu1.cloud.thethings.network. But when I tested the HT-M01S with the TTN server at my side, it’s working normally.

Can you please try with another router? Or via the Wi-Fi method?

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