How do I know a gateway is operational?

It happens! It’s the Lenton GW in Post Code N7 area.

Hi Jeff

That map of the Nottingham gateways shows I could have been picked up while driving on Remembrance Way by the Gotham gateway.


I doubt it as 90% of Remembrance Way, along with the Park n Ride are masked by the local topology and specifically Gotham Hill. And that assumes map placement is accurate as users often dither exact GPS location on Map for security reasons (I do for most by anything from 20-200m)


@Jeff-UK If you provide in DM the coordinates I can produce a profile or propagation calculation

This is working reliably for me, as long as you stick to the Arduino & library release versions that I state, otherwise all bets are off!

Hi Jeff

I haven’t had time yet to build my own receiver, so I am going to take a trip now to your gateway so I can catch it before you shut it down. Should be there a bit before midday. I have also added a button that gives larger spreading factor, so I will try that as well, so it would be interesting to see if the signal strength changes. I’ll approach Nottingham along the A453 with SF12, and change when I have got near your gateway.

Been out for a couple of hours but back nw and can see from GW Console logs that you had some success! Have done screen grabs and snapshot some log files from the GW that I will compile and send to you by seperate message - basically I could see from Count 105 @ ~12:23pm through to Count 18 @ ~13:03 pm with various Count resets and a number of downlinks, uplinks were across SF9, 8 & 7 :slight_smile:

Earlier messages were truncated so I could not see those by the time I got back to office but clearly you had success joining through my GW or one of the others you may have passed along the way…

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Hi Jeff

I was getting hits on my console from 12:23, from near to you, with SF12, and I changed to SF7 at 12:31. Then I parked in the car park where I believe you are located. No more hits, so I changed back to SF12 at 12:55. Still no hits, so I drove home, stopping at the Park and Ride for a few minutes. I got a screen grab of the first couple of hits - I realise if I had scrolled right, I should have been able to see the lat and long, but didn’t realise at the time. I saw more hits, but didn’t screen grab. It will be interesting to see yours.


Thanks Nick - I’ll be investigating the code this week.

Luckily you enabled the Data Storage Integration, and have the MQTT output. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You could still type the payload you see into the test field of your application’s Payload Format decoder, for the ones on the screenshot.

Where will I find the MQTT output? And unfortunately, I cleared the screen of the data.

Thou shall click the links. :wink:

But there are two payloads in that screenshot, if you want to know their coordinates.

@tony1tf And there are another 5 shown in the screen grabs I just PM’d you. I need to get a word doc containing other stuff over somehow…

HI Jeff, Thanks for the screen shots. Much more info than could see on my console. I don’t understand why you are not seeing events showing SF12, since that was the only time that my console was receiving data.

Arjan - I have used MQTT on a Particle Photon, whereby events published from my Photon via WiFi and broadband is picked up by their server, and I can add integrations on the server to send data to MQTT etc. Are you telling to install something on a TTN server of which I have no knowledge? I certainly do not know how to install Mosquito on my BBC Micro:bit ! You may well be assuming I have much more knowledge about this than I actually do.


Hi Arjan

I think I have managed to integrate the data storage app (Swagger). Presumably this has to be running when the node is being used in order to save data. The data that TTN saw earlier today is presumably lost, so I get a response code 204 “No Content” message.


Nope, you add it to the application as an integration and that’s it - you get the data saved for you automagically for up to 7 days.

The HTTP integration gives far more info - like the gateways and the RSSI, SNR and stuff. You give TTN a web address for a server you have, it sends the data, at worst save it as a text file.

Nothing to install, certainly not on a BBC micro:bit.

On one of your computers, you can install MQTT and then issue the command (per to receive data as it happens - it’s sort of like the HTTP integration but with more options and it adds to your street cred as you have two FLA’s running.

I simulated a send from my device to get a response from Swagger, but I keep getting ‘not authorised’. Which set of numbers or words is supposed to go into the authorise key box?

Got it - it’s the long authorisation string.

Hi Jeff

Are you still able to pm me the doc files from your gateway? Are they actually more complete than the pdf? - if not then don’t worry.
