How to grant someone access on all applications


i want to upgrade from V2 to V3 and want to give a friend access to all my applications and sensors, but I dont understand how I can do that?

I know that I can add a collaborator to an application. This works fine, but I dont want to do this for all applications, present and in the future.

Is there a way I can give him full access on everything?

I tried adding him to an organization, but then he neither can see the gateways nor the applications.

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards

You just need their Username - go to Collaborators and add them

There are two ways to give others access to your applications/gateways:

  1. Adding them as collaborator on each application/gateway directly.
  2. Adding them to an organization, and making that organization collaborator on each application/gateway.

Either way, you’ll have to update the collaborators of multiple applications/gateways, but with (2) adding more members to everything in the future is a matter of adding them to the organization.

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