Imposible to get Data from LSE01

I am a bit surprised you are working on an LoRaWAN project with an advisor that does not seem to grasp the technology. For a LoRaWAN project I would at least add someone to my team that has a solid understanding of the technology involved to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

The keys you need are stored at the LoRaWAN network server and are only valid until the next join. However what you are trying is the wrong way around. TTN provides a reliable solution, make sure your gateway is reliably connected to the internet and there is no need to try and store the encrypted data locally. As mentioned before a lot more data will be lost between the device and the gateway because of radio signal interference and other issues than between the gateway and TTN.

So what we are actually looking for is specifically when the internet goes down. As WiFi is not reliable, we want to save a copy to not lose the data when the WiFi goes down.
To save it, he’s suggesting to connect Raspberry Pi to gateway and serially read the data. I want to know if it’s possible or not. Sorry for the trouble

Not an option afaik. The gateway does not provide the LoRaWAN packets on a serial port.

My friend is using Lg01 Gateway and has a script which reads the packet received by the gateway.
Difference is, my friend is using LoRa board and using a normal sensor with it and the gateway to do this.
My setup has lse01 sensor and LPS8N Gateway. Can the same work be done for my setup?

I am asking this because to integrate it I will have to go where the sensor is deployed and work on it which is not close, hence I want to know whether it is possible or not before doing it.

Link to what my friend is doing

The LG01 is not a gateway and should not be used as a gateway with TTN, it disrupts communications that nodes have with compliant gateways.

That is not a TTN compatible LoRaWAN gateway. It is a Lora (only) gateway.

If you are willing and capable of modifying the software on the LPS8N you might be able to do something. You will need to create a modified packet forwarder and create scripting to get the encryption keys from TTN. However I still think you are looking at the wrong way to solve the issue. In stead of creating some point solution to mitigate possible connectivity issues you should solve the reliability of the connectivity.

No. There is NO facility to extract the transmissions from the LPS8N over serial. If you look at your gateway you’ll see that this is NO serial port.

And even if there was, you’d have to write code to decrypt the information and extract the payload.

This is LoRa to LoRa aka Point 2 Point - which is fine, there is no encryption, it’s all simple scripts, you CAN NOT do this with an LPS8N as it’s firmware is based on 8 receivers, not one. And P2P is off-topic for this forum.

Thank you for all the information.
I was not able to find this online, but can LSE01 then work with LG01 gateway?

The LG01 is a single channel packet forwarder (SCPF - search for this or SCPF or DCPF on forum) NOT a LoRaWAN Gateway as above…this forum is for TTN Community and users of LoRaWAN, we do not support such LoRa only products. Short answer is No…long answer is if prepared for imperfect implementation and prepared/able to hack code - and not attempt to use connected to TTN - then some level of imperfect and incomplete functionality, with significant packet loss, is/maybe possible, but not discussed or supported here.

Get yourself (or tell your friend to get!) a TTIG or another low cost (Dragino?) LoRaWAN Gateway :slight_smile:

And do appreciate the LG01 is not a Gateway in the LoRaWAN sense, its basically just a LoRa node.

I understand. My problem is LPS8N is getting turned off in between a lot causing loss of data for as much as a day (wifi problem maybe). That’s why the solution I was thinking of is locally storing data before sending it to TTN.

That does not sound like a practical solution. If you have problems with the LPS8N, then best to direct attention at solving that.

Storing sensor data locally and sending it when and if a Gateway is available, runs the very significant risk of breaking the legal duty cycle restrictions and the fair useage policy. How for instance would the nodes be configured\programmed to somehow know that the gateway was having problems ?

But that will still cause loss of data right?

Are the gateway turned off or are your internet connection getting turned off?

If this is the problem I will suggest you address those issues, then you will not create new ones as how to store data locally and how to send this stored data to the back end.

In any case if you have managed to store this data locally, you should not need to send it via TTN to your back end, you can just send it straight to your backend.

What do you mean by ‘loss of data’ ?

As mentioned before with LoRaWAN you need to allow for data loss anyway. Up to 25% loss. If your application can’t tolerate that you’re using the wrong technology.

Yeah I understand, but I am losing more than 50% of the data.

Where in the signal chain? Failing at RF? (Is GW seeing the traffic?) lost in Transit? (not getting to GW console page/application?

as Johan asks

You might understand …

But, it might help the forum to help you if you explained which data you are losing, and in particular how you know it is ‘more than 50%’

Are you monitoring the FCount’s or timestamps and see the >50%… as above do you know where the loss is happening?