Let's post some success stories! LoRa Edge tracker + LoRa Cloud integration + Ubidots integration = visualize tracker location on a map

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Here’s my story :point_down: I provided some steps in order for others to be able to reproduce, and I suggest others to do the same. Feel free to discuss about the project in comments!

Recently, I got a LoRa Edge development kit so I went playing with it a bit. I wanted to obtain the location solution from LoRa Cloud and then send my results to Ubidots in order to visualize them on a map. This post will contain short steps on how to reproduce this little project.

Step 1 - Assemble the LoRa Edge tracker device

The assembly process is fully explained here.

Step 2 - Install the LoRa Basics Modem-E firmware and Demo app

The instructions to install this firmware and a demo app on the tracker device are available here.

Step 3 - Claim the device

Follow the instructions on how to claim the LoRa Edge tracker device using LoRa Cloud Device Join service.

Step 4 - Set application owner bindings

Navigate to Application Owner Bindings on the left hand menu in LoRa Cloud and set the application owner bindings so that join requests, that will be sent from the tracker device once it’s registered on The Things Stack, can be accepted by the LoRa Cloud Device Join service. I chose an option to allow joins from any network that’s obviously not recommended, but it’s just for testing purposes anyway.

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Step 5 - Export device keys

Now navigate to Devices on the left hand menu in LoRa Cloud, find the previously claimed device, select it and click on Export device keys. This will download a .csv file for your device, containing DevEUI, AppKey and NwkKey you need for device registration on The Things Stack.

You’ll also see your device’s Join EUI and LoRaWAN version under device details.

Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 11.53.25

Step 6 - Register the tracker device on The Things Stack

Now follow the Adding devices tutorial to add the tracker device on The Things Stack. Upon registration, use the LoRaWAN version, DevEUI, JoinEUI and AppKey you got from the steps above.

When you finish, save the device and enter its settings. Go to the General settings tab and enable the External Join Server option to tell The Things Stack that the LoRa Cloud Device Join service will take care of the join procedure.

Step 7 - Configure the LoRa Cloud DAS integration

Now configure the integration with LoRa Cloud DAS following these instructions. As a result, when you perform a scan, in the Live data tab, you should see a location_solved message containing location solution.

Step 8 - Configure Ubidots integration

The next step is to configure the Ubidots integration as explained here. There are two things you have to pay attention to, ie. that are slightly different than in the linked guide.

Set the decoder function

Instead of the the decoder function mentioned in the guide, you will need to use something like this:

function format_payload(args){
  var ubidots_payload = {};
  var data = args['location_solved'];

  ubidots_payload['location'] = data['location'];

  return ubidots_payload

module.exports = { format_payload };

Enable the integration for location_solved messages

The Ubidots webhook integration (when created using the Ubidots webhook template) is enabled for uplink messages only by default. This means that if you don’t change the enabled message type from Uplink message to Location solved, the uplink messages will be sent to Ubidots via webhook. In that case, Ubidots will not be able to parse the message properly, because it will look for a location_solved object, that doesn’t exist in the uplink messages.

To make this right, just open the webhook integration you created, scroll down, disable Uplink message, enable Location solved, then copy the path from Uplink message and paste it as path for Location solved, as shown below.

Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 12.37.06

Final step - Visualize your device’s location data on a map

Now, everything that’s needed is configured, and you can head over to Ubidots to monitor the results. When you perform a scan with your LoRa Edge tracker and obtain a location solution from LoRa Cloud, the results will automatically be sent to Ubidots.

Navigate to Devices in Ubidots. Your device will show up in a list if at least one Location solved message reached Ubidots. If you click on your device, you’ll see that a variable location containing your tracker device’s location info has been automatically created.

However, you must explicitly tell Ubidots to use this data as location data, in order to visualize it for example on a map. In device settings on the left, under Location, edit Mode and set it to the name of the variable containing location (location in this example), like shown below.

Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 12.54.06

Now navigate to Data → Dashboards and create a new Map widget. While making a widget, under Data, click Select devices and select your device from a list. Customize your widget if you want and save it.

Et voilà! :tada::tada::tada: Your dashboard will now show your tracker’s location on a nice map.

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this is fantastic, thanks @snejra for sharing a working case!

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Hi @snejra

I’m using E516V02B eval and STM32L476TG Nucleo boards and I have some problems with connecting it to TTN. I followed your steps, got the keys from csv file and added the device. The end-device fails to join and all I can see is:
‘Accept Join-request messae’
‘Forward Join-accept message’
I don’t see External Join Server option in General Settings but it seems that TTN is forwarding the response from Semtech Cloud (there is Forward Join-accept message). DevEUI and JoinEUI match what is on the end-device. Any ideas what might be the problem?

EDIT: Ok, I got it, I first used LoRaMac-node example and it used LoRaWAN 1.1, then switched to this example which uses 1.0.3. I turns out the end-device was still registered as LoRaWAN 1.1 in TTN

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Great to hear that you managed to make it work! :partying_face: