LMIC Library For STM32

Hi Everyone,
I am working on IoT Project that has to send the data to Gateway and then to TTN. So, I have found that there is a Library called LMIC developed for Arduino, But Can I use that for Stm32 in STM32CubeIDE. Confused to use which library for the latest TTN. Can anyone please help me with this and help me with Porting to STM32 in STM32CubeIDE.

Thanks in advance.


It might not cover your use case entirely, as it uses libopencm3 instead of STM32CubeIDE, but it uses the arduino-lmic without Arduino :wink: on STM32. Here: GitHub - fk0815/lora-node-example: Low power lora example with LMIC and STM32 the important part is in common/hal.c. Here the adaption for LMIC needs to be done by implementing the HAL functions on top of the APIs you use to program your MCU.