LoRasPI : Raspberry PI simple Shield Gateway/Node

Hi There,
To avoid long thread on this topic I’ve created this new one, sorry it’s not the right way to do.

For testing I’ve just setup a new small Raspberry PI Lora PCB for Single Gateway or Node

It has just few minimal features because I wanted it to be simple small and cheap.

  • Placement for RFM95/96/98 Lora module
  • Placement for choosing single Wire, SMA or u-FL Antenna type
  • 2 x LED for visual indication
  • Ability to reset module from a GPIO

It should works (not tested yet) with Single LoraWan Gateway code changing just some pinout.

More information, design sources and other, see on github repo

Let me know if any had a chance (and wants) to test before I can (OSHPark to France is little slow).


Hi There,

Today I spent some time to assemble the LoRasPI board, and they works exactly as expected. Of course it’s not a multiple channel gateway but doing LoraWan test with it is fine and so cheap.

In the meantime I added some features to the single channel gateway software, you’ll find the correct Single Packet Forwarder version that will works right out of the box for LoRasPI and Dragino Lora Hat also. Check readme to see software added features.
You’ll find the LoRasPI repo there

And here the board mounted on a Raspberry PI


Hi, I’m newbie of network thing. May I know that is it enable the multiple nodes with Lora SX1276 transceivers to communicate/send data to one specific raspberry pi with Lora SX1276 transceivers through this Single LoraWan gateway?

just started playing around with LoRa with this little beauty on a raspi 2b

the customized packet forwarder seems to install and work fine, at least locally. i enabled router.eu.thethings.network only (the staging one seems to be offline anyways) in the config file and registered the gateway in my ttn account.

dumb and basic question: i don’t have any node running yet - should the gateway still connect to the router? (it doesn’t :frowning: )

do i need a local_conf.json?

AFAIK, values from local_conf.json overlay any matching variables in global_conf.json, so a local_conf.json is not necessary.

global_conf.json should be downloaded from TTN github to make sure you ahve the correct setting, changing values in it is bad practice. Any values that require changes (like gateway_ID requires to make the gateway unique) should be overridden in local_conf.json.

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Thanks for the clarification :grinning: