Migrate RaspberryPi HAT Gateway (rak2247) from V2 to V3


I have seen similar posts about this topic, however i cant find a fitting solution.

I want to move (or at least receive data in V3) my rak2247 gateway from The Things Network V2 to V3. I saw the gateway migration post telling me to change The Things Stack Cluster server_adress. Does this mean i have to change the server_adress (gateway server adress) located in the General Settings tab, to the server_adress located in my global_conf.json on the raspberry pi hosting the gateway? Or does it mean the oposite (change the server_adress in global_conf.json on the Pi to the one in the gateway console).

As of now, my gateway says “connected” in in The Things Network console, however in The Thins Community Stack it says “other cluster” (instead of “connected”).

I would reallly appreciate some guidance on merging this gateway to the community stack, since i have another gateway and my appllication located there.

You should not change the server_address on TTN, it lists the destination you need to use to deliver packets to. Changing it will not make the required changes on your gateway, it just changes the value in the download you can find on the overview page.
You need to point the gateway to the value listed in the console. Easiest way is to download the correct configuration from the gateways overview page if you need a global_conf.json. If your gateway has a configuration GUI, use that to change the gateway configuration.

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I tried to change the global_conf.json file on the raspberry pi, however the file was reset to the original one after a reboot. The gateway configuration GUI only supports TTN mode and legacy mode. I selected the legacy / Semtech mode and pasted the network server from the console window.

It works now :smiley:

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Do you have any devices connected sucessfully?.
I have the same setup. The Gateway is connected to TTN V3, but I can not connect any devices (OOTA).
The join request message is recieve by TTN but the downlink join messages does not go through to the devices.