Multitech Conduit AP

Thank you for clarifying, I apologize for the confusion. Yes, it allows it to do so!

I was able to run the installer and connect with the things network! I needed to move the installer file from the /bin folder to the home/root folder and it worked. Thanks for your help!

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Excellent news. Glad you got it resolved.

Just found the MachineQ Conduit AP yesterday and it’s a great deal for the unit and a development board. Sounds like that is the same unit you got, is the one from Comcast/MachineQ restrict in any way? Can it be used with TTN?

The MachineQ conduit AP has custom firmware that you will have no access to and must be managed via the MachineQ portal. It will therefore not be usable on TTN unless you can re-flash it with the default Multitech firmware.

I have one of the MachineQ gateways as I have been working with a client and Comcast directly on a project. Also they only seem to be able to get 915MHz versions of the Multitech AP but are able to push 868MHz firmware to it if needed but performance is poor due to the internal antenna.


I was afraid of that since someone mentioned the bootloader on these is password protected where the ones directly from Multitech are not. I suspect that also means it near impossible to reload the firmware (or bootloader for that matter) without getting very invasive.


Hello All,

I am trying to connect my MultiConnect® Conduit - Application Execution Platform (MTCDT-H5-210A Firmware1.2.2) following this guide everything goes well but if I look at the log it says that it is not possible to connect to the europe router.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


Yes, unfortunately I’m now having trouble connecting my cellular conduit gateway with the internet. I’m using AT&T. Seems like there’s two different sets of directions for setting up the connection (Multitech and TTN).

Hi, what frequency and router do you have your gateway set to in the TTN console?

Hi, on TTN I have Frequency Plan Europe 868MHz and Router ttn-router-eu.

My gateway is set up for Europe frequencies as well, I am able to connecto to the internet thru the Modem (PPP protocol) but no the the TTN routers. I do not know why because there is no info about it.


Got it. Were you able to run the

Yes as I mentioned I ran the installer everything goes well no errors, but doens’t connect.

What directory is your residing in?

in my root do I need to save in a specific folder?

Use the multitech instructions to connect the gateway to the internet, once that works use the TTN instructions to install/setup the packet forwarder.

what does the packet forwarder log say?

hi @kersing as said before I just followed the guide as described on TTN and everything goes fine but when the packet forwarder try to connect it says impossible to connect to ‘ttn-router-eu’.

Would it hurt to actually copy and paste a few lines of the log? I’m trying to help and appen to know a thing or two about the software. Seeing the exact message could help debugging the issue…

hi @kersing ok tomorrow I will post the log. Thx for your help.

In using the Multitech instructions, I keep getting “daemon.notice pppd[2167]: Device modem_at0 is locked by pod 2111
Connect script failed
I’ve been trying to find similar errors online and have no been able to figure out what the problem is.