The hard RAK831 cafe part 1

Managed to install the new packet forwarder with ease, running my packet forwarder via a normal RPI3 without any extra power to the RAK itself. works like a charm!

What I am only looking for (as linux noob) is a way to alter the systemctl setting to include the --reset-pin 25 option ? Now if power to the RPI is dropped I sometimes need to reset the RAK.


I have had some ā€˜unexpected resetā€™ problems.
The RPI was slowly heating the converter PCB which in turn heated the RAK.

Yesterday I mounted a copper heatsink on the RPI and rotate the setup 90 degrees so that the heated air could flow better.
Maybe coincidence, but I didnā€™t have the resets .

  • update - nopeā€¦ still a problem but less

ERROR: [main] unintended SX1301 reset detected, terminating packet forwarder.

@ jezd - cpu monitor shows 0 % ?

what RPI cpu usage are you seeing? 7-9% for the packet-forwarder seems about average.

Iā€™m now using Kilobytes new adapter board, includes BME280 sensors too - more stable than wires

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I created a new Adapter Board for the RAK831! It fits an Raspberry Pi Zero and is on the bigger side just 1.5cm bigger than the IMST concentrator itself.

Available on Tindie:



So todayā€™s post was like one of those YouTube ā€œMailbagā€ episodes but finally I have my RAK831 to finally join the boards that @kersing kindly supplied to Ireland weeks ago. I now have the hardware to build what @BoRRoZ is showing in the photos (note to self - cooling!)
This will ideally be outdoor in an enclosure with a single PoE cable to my house, a 5M N-Male connector to SMA cableā€¦ you can see where I am going. Probably try a home made GP antenna while I wait for my FG tube protected outdoor 868 unit.

My question: I am not fully understanding where things are likely to go on the packet forwarder so can somebody suggest a starting point that might help (a mechanical engineer) to research and install a stable setup on my Rpi+RAK831? Just a starting point, I would like to understand what I am doing so happy to researchā€¦ tried and trusted Zurich TTN config? Have we moved on?

Thanks, G

For easy deployment I would use JPMeijers setup. It builds all the required components and allows configuration using (environment) variables is the console. Iā€™m using it for deployments at several remote locations.


Fantastic, looks super, I will give it a try later. I donā€™t have the interface board to hand to check but is pin 22 used for Reset on this PCB?

Many thanks for the advice above :wink:


Yes it is.

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Looks great! And a nice and energy efficient alternative to the RPI 3!

Easy deployment! Understatement me thinks. A little faffing about with Git (new territory), some ssh key stuff and let it ripā€¦ up and running, many thanks Kersing, quite impressive automation. I have to get the feel for but looks like full remote dynamic maintenance?

Great set up, now to weatherproof and install, do some real testing. Many thanks! Garry

For those who might be interested, Iā€™m measuring power consumption of my current Pi3B setup with the RAK831 powered from the Pi3B in total at 3,15W (or 0.59A at 5.28V). Over 165 hrs since start of measurement it consumed 520,33 Wh.

As soon as I get Kilobyteā€™s Zero adapter board in Iā€™ll measure again.

Those are AC measurements?

DC between the usb plug and the raspberry.

Thx. I was thinking about updating my solar powered gateway post, but it wonā€™t be necessary if the power consumption is the same :slight_smile: .

  • Do I want/need the RAK converter board? (available here)
  • Can I (should I) use only dupont wires to connect the RAK831 to the Raspberry Pi?
  • Would it be better to purchase one of the adapter boards produced by TTN members instead of the RAK converter board? Or do they do different things?

Sorry if this has already been answered. Iā€™ve read through the thread and searched but might have missed something.

  • thatā€™s up to you if you want/need that RAK board
  • never use dupont wires in a final ā€˜productā€™ , only indoors in a test setup
  • that depends on your technical skills and what you want to spend
  • they do the same things but they build it for you
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RAK831 Converter Board from RAK Wireless - gpio 17 for reset

Got a Converter Board from RAK Wireless some days ago. A small tweak was needed to make it work.
when used with the SPI installer branch from the TTN Zurich repo (
Had to change the GPIO for reset in /opt/ttn-gateway/bin/ to SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN=17.
Also changed /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/ to use IOT_SK_SX1301_RESET_PIN=17.
Seems to work OK! :slight_smile:


@mfalkvidd If you need a solution which works out-of-the-box with e.g. the ttn-zh installer then you propably are better served with a Board from the community (They are compatible and/or designed for the ttn-zh installer). Also you get a quite big variation between different sizes/concepts from the community Boards. If that all isnā€™t a need then you can also use the RAK Board. You generally donā€™t want to use dupont wires unless you have to.


@admiral99 Meassured the consumption of my Pi3 RAK831 and Pi Zero W RAK831 Setup. Pi3 = 720mA, Pi Zero W = 490mA. Exact same SW, both connected via WiFi, RAK831 in ā€œRX Modeā€.

btw, Iā€™m currently working on a new RAK831 Breakout Board which should be quite a lot more power efficient than the current Pi3 and Pi Zero W solutionsā€¦ :slight_smile:

Great, would you mind expose RX/TX with FTDI like. Iā€™ve done on this one it can save us (even if with Zero we can have serial other USB) some pain when network config does not work first time.
Itā€™s just a matter of wiring routing, wonā€™t increase price :wink:

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