Was not my best weekend it seems - a lot of stupid careless mistakes…
I used the SerialFlash library and sent the device to sleep. After re-booting you have to call wakeup, even if SerialFlash.begin(FLASH_CS) fails.

The positove message: removing the LED, sending flash, LORA and CPU to deepsleep I achieved a power consumption of ~0.07mA measured on the LiPo battery…

Just noticed my meter will do current down to uA so gave it a try.

Powering the device (with led) on LiPo via the LDO, running standard code with sleep etc I am getting 0.84mA in sleep period


As per schallb I took the red led off (I got brave) and we are down to a very usable 78uA is sleep - no red led

it’s IO1 (as labelled on the board) which should be connected to D5 for the above mentioned pin mapping, right?

long version:
oh well… expected this to be easier… :roll_eyes:

hooked one up to an 3.3V FTDI, seeing the demo sketch’s data coming in fine, looking good…

so let’s flash the OTTA demo, you guys suggested the MCCI lib (platformio #5774)

AVRdude can’t seem to connect - oh well, like in the old days, push the reset button on the board at the right moment - or connect DTR (aka RTS) from the FTDI-cable… ok. flash succeeded.

but it’s only rubbish coming back in the serial monitor, though it’s definitly set to 9600 baud like set up in the sketch. maybe 115200? no. 19200? yes! … why? no idea. platformio.ini as well as the sketch itself has it defined as 9600…

checking the gateway… nothing coming in. doh! the lib is set to 915mhz (need to edit /project_config/lmic_project_config.h for 868 or others)

clean/upload - hurray - JOIN ACCEPTs in the gateway’s console… but board obviously not recognizing it… yes - IO1 connected to D5 using and @jezd’s pin mapping
so why? :roll_eyes:

well, the devil’s in the detail.

i did have
board = pro8MHzatmega328
defined, this doesn’t work.

board = pro16MHzatmega328


that’s running it as pro16MHzatmega328 and using rocketscream’s low-power for sleep as in your platformio.ini above?

My first set of five devices is up and running.
Next steps will be to imlement downlink functionality and better support for wakeup from deep-sleep via external interrupt.
One thing i found out: the W25Q32 SPI flash offers a unique 64bit wide ID! It can perfectly be used as DEVEUI


Any code you feel like sharing - I’m having issues with the 16mhz aspect and running at 8mhz, have you done a new bootloader?

No new bootloader -> I boot with 16MHz and switch asap to 8Mhz (clock divider)

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = pro16MHzatmega328
upload_speed = 115200
monitor_speed = 9600
board_build.mcu = atmega328p
board_build.f_cpu = 8000000L

in my code:
void setup()
//set to 8MHz

using prescaler.h from

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New Deer Promini_LORA_V02 board has appeared :smile:

Charging led has changed to red I think, need circuit layout to see what has changed - there has been a big shuffle around on the board (is it really still 16mhz ?). No jumper option for 5v/3v operation anymore, so if its 3v then is it 8mhz now?

Aliexpress shows board images plus old board too, I suspect the spec listing needs an update - interesting if the have listened to feedback.

I bought two of these modules (TTGO T Deer Pro Mini Lora V02) but when trying to connect them to the Arduino IDE I am getting the error:

“avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xc1”

I tried to use the arduino mini and arduino pro or pro mini as devices but I still get these kind of errors. Can someone please guide me on how to program these modules with Arduino IDE?


Tried to choose bot mini and Pro/ Promini but without success. It keeps giving me an error
“avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xc1”

USB to serial converter (using only 4 wires, VCC, GND, TX and RX) is working fine since when opening serial terminal, the pre-programmed code will display the packet number sent correctly.

Any more hints on how I can solve the problem? Thanks

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I’m confused, is this specific to t-deer device or all your devices?

Specific to the t-deer device only. I tested on Wroom32, nano, esp8266 and I managed to program them all. The only difference is that the t-deer needs the usb to serial converter while the others have the converter inbuilt. I am sure that the converter is working fine since I manage to get data back from the t-deer to the Arduino IDE serial monitor. Thanks.

I have exactly the same problem, flashing avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding. I use platformio.

My v2 one has just arrived, will play with it this weekend

Hello, short update from my side: I odered another bunch of those and figured out that the layout and shematic has changed from the previous version ‘Pro mini_LORA 20180926’ to ‘Promini_LORA_V02 20190506’
I received the new shematics and will check if there is any need to adopt the software.


Can you share the new schematic?

Ah! Yeah - sure… I forgot to attach it: promini_lora_v02.pdf (70.5 KB)

Hello, I was wondering how you all got on with this product? Did this thread continue elsewhere?
Thanks in advance

What is your concrete question?