Unknown problem getting started

Hello @bnnorman , a few days ago I got my The Things Gateway (kickstarter), the same as you. Also, I have these messages from the gateway

LGMD:LORA: Accepted packet


I’m using an arduino MKR WAN 1310 and a Dragino LoRa Shield v1.4. Any recommendation here? I’m using these for my thesis.

Those gateway messages are from the debug port on the gateway IIRC. Have you added it to the TTN console? The console should show the status as connected and the activity log should show periodic status messages, if you have configured the GW correctly. Without that you are reliant on another gateway being in range of where you are.

Make sure there’s a wall and ~5m between your devices and your gateway to get a good signal. Too close and the TX swamps the RX.

Next you need to create an application on TTN using the console.

Then you need to configure your device(s) to send uplinks to that application.

MKR WAN 1310 - I have never used that. You would have to check out the forum. There should be people who have used the device with TTN that can help you there.

When you mention Dragino LoRa Shield v1.4 are you referring to the raspberry pi LoRa GPS HAT? The version is same as mine, so I’m guessing it is. There are lots of Dragino LoRa devices out there so it helps to be very clear since you haven’t mentioned raspberry pi.

If it is a raspberry pi HAT , same as mine, then look at my repo dragino-1 for code to get started. Especially look at the test examples.

Make sure you adhere to any legal duty cycles and the TTN fair use policy.

What are you stuck on or challenged with. You appear to have got the gateway and one of the devices working, so it’s a bit hard to tell what you want a recommendation on.

Hello! Thanks for the fast response. Ok, I’m going to try the 5m and the wall.

In that image you can see that my gateway is connected to the TTN.

The application is already created with OTAA and the codes are in the arduino code. In the next picture you can see that the TTN only receives when the gateway’s connect.

Now, in the last picture, you can see the info of my gateway.


The arduino code is made with the US915 FSB2. Channels from 8-15 and 65 are enable, the others are disabled.

The dragino shield is for the arduino UNO.

And the

LGMD:LORA: Accepted packet


Got it by using UART interface

That is correct. Your gateway only forwards data from a node when it is connected to TTN.
You might want to check why the gateway disconnects that often.

Hello! It disconnects because I unplugged it from the power.

And you do this because???

You’ve still not said what you need help with. But as it has nothing to do with the Pi, I’m splitting the thread.

And you do this because???

Because if now information is arriving, I preferred to turn it off. Only turn it on when testing.

That would be fine if you were using a private setup, but TTN is a shared network.

All gateways in TTN are for the use of all users.

Additionally, LoRaWAN is very very slow to adapt to the disappearance of gateways - turning one on, and then turning it off again can cause outages for other users whose devices have adapted to that signal path, which can take hours to even a day or two to recover from.

Running a gateway on TTN means taking on some responsibility to the network as a whole.

If you have to take it down for maintenance or something, that’s one thing - especially if it’s back on and functioning within an hour or two, but you really shouldn’t be running it when you personally want to do experiments and then stopping it for storage, as that creates a repeating disruption to others.


This, and the absence of any actual issue, despite being asked twice, is likely to see this thread closing shortly.

Well, here in Venezuela few people use LoRa, right now there are only 4 gateways, counting mine.

But as you said here

You can see at my previous results that my gateway is receiving nothing. Any data being send from my devices or any devices is not send to TTN.

See the picture above @cslorabox

Could you please explain me this please?

My issue is that the gateway is not sending data to the TTN. It receives the packets but doesn’t send them to the servers

I can not see where you said this. You said your gateway was connected to TTN and you’ve given other details. But the volunteers on here do not have crystal balls to deduce a problem, nor the time, so it’s always simpler if people explain things clearly.

And I doubt you have a crystal ball either, so do not presume that you are the only TTN user in the area - it is part of the deal - we get servers for free, we run out gateways all the time.

Which instructions did you use to get your gateway online?

The ones on this link

You have no way of knowing that - I know of 2 companies using ‘LoRa’ and atleast 2 using ‘LoRaWAN’ in territory! I assume therefore that you are refering to TTN rather than LoRa…in which case I would say again…

You have no way of knowing that! If you are going by the number of publically declared and visible GW’s that is not necessarily the number of GW’s connected to TTN…users are not mandated to make their presence public (its at tick box option at time of GW registration as you will probably have seen), and there may be other TTN (TTS-CE) deployments not declared, also there may be TTS deployments used for private networks - with TTI support or by simply deploying the open source instance, plus others working through PacketBroker… :wink: Your statement is an absolute the truth may not be :slight_smile:

WRT your ‘problem’ it seems your GW connects for periods at a time - hours in some cases, but the disconnects plus the fact that your browser stream keeps dropping suggests maybe it/you are on an unstable internet connection? None of the stream screen grabs you have posted show any actual device traffic…and 1st picture showed 0 messages up or down over 43 mins…

Can you capture some logs showing this traffic as that will give better clues as to source of your problem…right now we can only assume that your assertion it is receiving ok but not forwarding is wrong and in fact the GW isnt receiving/processing valid packets! What node, how configured, what firmware? etc…details please - as Nick suggests community Xtal Balls all cloudy right now! :slight_smile: Also finally GWs set for US915 Band 2 you say arduino code set for same - is H/W actually for same or different config? - All needs to match for messages to get through from node firmware to NS back end…

I don’t have one of these gateways but the screen shots do show it connected to TTN and the status page for the gateway implies it is with Packets up at 18.

@Jeff-UK, the reason it keeps disconnecting is because the OP turns it off.

If the gateway status is OK, I’d suspect the firmware and in particular, the keys, plus proximity of device to gateway.

Missed that - though just 'cause GW thinks it has sent them I remain to be convinced NS has got them due to lack of traffic showing on screen and 0/0 count - stream disconnects worry me wrt internet/backhaul stability

Yep saw that - reminds me of TTN circa 2015/6…ok 17 all over again - spent a month monitoring status of 1st 50 UK GWs then later 1st 250 GW’s for a potential client - to show it was still too dependent on people doing just that - one period covering easter >50% of GW’s were turned on/off/on at least once during the monitored period - with predictable match to office hours, evenings weekends and yes even a 1-2 week period centred around that years Easter vacation period (was a challenge to monitor precisely as I think at that time old V2 console/community maps showed GW’s seen in proceeding x days IIRC (3 or 7?) vs ‘live’- fortunately most stay online today and as number/density of deployments globally has increased over time we are now less dependent on any one person turning theirs on/off… but please all leave on where you can! :slight_smile:

Agree if GW view correct then its most likely node problem hence my q’s about config/firmware, h/w etc…

Ball in OP’s court now…


here’s the log, receiving and accepting packets.


here’s the log with a rejected packet


here’s the gateway info.

Hardware: v1
Bootloader: r2-c463e87e (2018-02-23T14:42:40Z)
Firmware: v1.0.8-846da98b (2019-11-28T12:47:15Z)

I’ve just leave the GW connected to an UPS to prevent the turn off (sometimes due to electric blackouts*

Also, we can say the arduino is sending the packages in the correct channel because the GW receives them


Gateway still connected to the server, but not sending the received data

What frequency band are your “Arduino MKR WAN 1310 and a Dragino LoRa Shield v1.” set to?

And how often is it sending?