How can I delete my end device

I think you need to dig deeper into LoRaWAN implementation and architecure before your start to look at this issue - nodes have no knowledge of either the NS or its address…its the GW that is responsible for taking a message from a node and communicating it over the internet to the NS - the GW knows the address, the node doesnt! WHat you put into the NS/Console is information about the device - its APP/Join-EUI, its Dev EUI, and in case of an ABP device its Dev addr…its ‘keys’ if you will…that will identify its messages to the NS when they arrive from the GW. If they dont match the NS will decide it is not intended for that network and will drop it. If they match then the NS will handle the messgaae and pass on to your application. In the case of an OTAA device the NS will confirm it is one of its registered devices from those same keys and will send an assigned Dev addr back to the node. The node knows nothing of the NS IP or server web address, and the NS doesnt see the node as an IP addressed device as it doesnt have one…IP/Web address is purely for the GW-NS-GW comms. Hence a command to a node such as you propose would be meaningless.

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I just want to delete the last devices on my console and that’s it. I changed the eu id of my own device with the usb PL2303 tll device, it is working now. Thanks to all friends for their interest.

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I have the same problem. I used the CLI wrongly and the join server is set with a wrong value. Now I have the following response:
WARN Registered Join Server address does not match CLI configuration {“configured”: “”, “registered”: “my-lora-server”}

I can’t delete the device with the CLI

Solution is: ttn-lw-cli device set [app-name] [device-name] --join-server-address xxx.yyy --join-server-enabled=false


dear Mryavas

could you tell how you I changed the eu id on your device with the usb PL2303 tll device, becasue i have the same issue of you?


I had created an app where my device was connected and now I lost my access and I can’t connect my device to another app again how can I connect to the app again?

Details please!!! We cant second guess what you are trying to do, with what, what you are seeing etc…

Lets start at the top… what do you mean by:-

i created an application and added my my attempt to add Collaborators
I removed myself and now I can’t have access the app.I tried to create another application to add my device but I can’t because it is registered.can i get the application back or delete it?

Did you add any collaborators before deleting yourself?

I think you need to appoint someone to do this for you (@Jeff-UK , @descartes ) :smiley:

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@panam, there are two items in the reference documentation that directly speak to this situation, have you read them?

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Νo, I haven’t read them unfortunately. can you forward them to me please?

Best is to post on the Slack channel, only the core team can assist you, maybe can help @KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 ?

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To paraphrase Dr Frankenfurter, that’s solving the problem but not the cause.

I’m not sure why any TTI staff members should spend time if the OP can’t read the docs which are linked to on every single console page, there are so many ways that this can be solved.

You have me confused now.

  1. I create a application id ‘TTN Data Collection’.
  2. I add devices id:eui-xxxxxx and id:eui-yyyyy…
  3. I add @descartes as collaborator with full admin access on ‘TTN Data Collection’.
  4. I delete myself from the application ‘TTN Data Collection’ as collaborator.
  5. Now @descartes have full control over application ‘TTN Data Collection’ and devices and only him.
  6. I want to delete a device.

How do I do it?

As if I could do this I will be able to delete any device from any application if I knew the application and device ID.

I agree the cause is a bit of self inflicted pain.

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Overall, the end goal is to get access back to the device.

What puzzles me is why the collaborator that’s been added can’t sort this out - either by re-adding the OP or deleting the device for them.

Which is why 2 days+ ago I asked

…we could have had OP solve very quickly - even without reading documents! Ah well… no answer = no support I guess :wink:

Μy friend, I asked some questions about some problems I had. thank you, whoever wants to help us, if you don’t want to, there is absolutely no problem.

Unfortunately I didn’t add Collaborators, if I did, things would be very simple

You have not answered @Jeff-UK’s question if you’d managed to add a collaborator before you removed yourself.

And you’ve not answered my question if your collaborator can restore access or remove the device.

We give responses, you don’t act on them or answer questions to move things forward. There are 32 headings in the reference docs but you want someone to take time out to direct you to the entries relevant to your issue. We can only help if you co-operate with us by answering our questions. If you don’t want to, don’t ask.