The WORKBENCH part 1

typical sundaymorning :wink:

US $5.65 incl. shipping

:thinking: you could charge a supercapacitor that in turn powers a mini TTN node notifying water is used/running

hmmm… if you make a bigger system and mount that between the watersupply pipe in your house, you generate energy evertime you open a tap or go to the toilet :sunglasses: maybe enough to slowly charge a little lion battery …

cleaning my bookmarks I found this retired Sparkfun product Miniature Solar Cell - CPC1822

somebody wrote that it generates a few uA … now with current node consumption getting under 1 uA that maybe interesting again, maybe in combination with a super capacitor to build a lowcost selfpowered thing.

found this alternative :

if it works for a watch… why not for a node :wink:

  • instead of the time we need heartbeatrate / temperature / bloodpressure and oxygen level :sunglasses:

You could do with a few more adapters on that antenna connection :slight_smile:

yes I know :rofl:

but its the standard cable with BNC you get when buying the ‘conrad’ GP and RAK is using the ‘wrong’ connector on their adapterboard…

No reason why not;

If ‘Average consumption is now about 7uA’ you could send around 20 SF7 20 byte packets a day if you dumped the watch functions.

this is the watch schematic

I started ordering the BPW34’s :wink:

* and I can always use them for earrings :sunglasses:


tindie shop

I made a new pcb for the Sensebender to replace the NRF24L01 for a Lora RFRM95 module:


More info Sensebender-Lora

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finally found an affordable waterproof enclosure that fit’s all the components for the mobile gateway build (i’ll hope)

a few of these bad boys as power source

I will use 2 of these enclosures So that the powersource and 4g gateway electronics are separated.
Main use will be ‘field’ experiments and not a selfsustained solar gateway hence the separated
heavy ‘12v - 5v battery pack’… the two units ‘click’ together because inside are strong magnets.

DC-DC 5A Automatically Boost Buck Step Up Down

2S 20A 7.4V 8.4V Lithium Li-ion Charger Protection Board

I did’nt go for that one, but have some TPD laying around … somewere …



power consumption 3g TTN connected HUAWEI B315-22 4g router / wifi off


2A solar LT3652 lithium battery charger with MPPT and protection


father and son :sunglasses: (868 - 3G4G)




idea : TTN uno packet generator shield under construction
use case : hard/software testing (is my graph / gateway / dooralarm working? :wink:)

2 pos switch - join ABP / OTAA
4 pos switch 1 - single shot / 30 sec / 60 sec / 300 sec interval
4 pos switch 2 - temp (Si7021) / random temp -10 +40 / fake GPS / ACK

red button - single shot
left button - reset
middle button - join

oled 1.3 I2C 128x64 SSH1106

proto uno shield

“For lithium polymer batteries the under-voltage threshold is 3V”

Very good idea.

So I have some of these N-type chassis connectors and one of the RAK antennas so I have a question. This would make an elegant outdoor gateway, the antenna anchored to the roof by the ali base and using the N chassis connector to enter an IP67 enclosure containing my @Charles’s specification Pi-Zero W + RAK831 gateway. All I need from the inside of the house is power… Result!

My quesiton (to the rf gurus) ; in a perfect world, how do I terminate a co-ax cable (say SMA pigtail) to the back of this N chassis connector without being lossy? Can I carefully ground the shield to the shell exposing as little of the antenna conductor as possible? Any hints?

1- buy a complete assembly with quality cable :wink: (they are not expensive)
2- not all enclosures are metal … some are painted aluminium / plastic


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Pycom boards landed during the week. Must teach self MicroPython… I am more the welder than the programmer type :sunglasses:

LOLIN32 Lite, the “Crash test dummy”

#selfimprovement #notsurehow #itworks

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ANYONE interested in opening The WORKBENCH part 2 ? :sunglasses:
this one is almost full

Given the number of messages in this topic I was wondering when you would start part 2. I am already getting lost when searching for something I know to have been posted here. (And search does not always work due to people posting just pictures/youtube links without a brief description)