The WORKBENCH part 3

RAK7258 - first impression… many possibilities and connects to TTN easy :sunglasses:



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So the RAK7258 is the worst when I compare the RSSI values.

I can’t say that yet :sunglasses:I’ll do this again but then put them at the exact same location within the room, now the TTIG was closer to a window and the RAK was on my desk

  • and use my own node

Was that 3 gateways receiving the same packet from a node ?

@Borroz @bluejedi I guess question is is it systemic or individual incompetance or perhaps worse illegal behaviour?

And current at time of posting (!)

yes, not a TTN node or under my control, I just had 3 gateways on at the same time and 3 browser windows open and all 3 received the same packet.

Well, Jeff, my story continues, I just finished the 6 th (!) mail to BANGGOOD, the Chinese supplier.
They stated that POST NL can put in the track and trace, that they returned the package, BUT, that’s not enough proof for them to act (reship or payback) because in their experience with POST NL sometimes they don’t receive the ‘returned’ package !
So they wait for the package OR I must proof with documents that the package is returned, documents that POST NL refuses to give or show to me.

Well… I have written this package of and booked it as ‘stolen’ at this moment :rage:

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Thanks, If you recall a discussion on using timestamps to ‘average’ the position of nodes it was mentioned that the error in actually applying the timestamp at the Gateway could be significant.

Those gateways are up to 29,000km apart, according to the time stamps …

and in reality 5 meters :upside_down_face:


@BoRRoZ @LoRaTracker which way around/through the earth are you guys measuring? where is the txing node? mustnt be the same direction!.. :rofl:

Well, the furthest appart they could be on Earth is circa 20,000km.

Ah! Spoilsport! :slight_smile: Please dont let facts get in the way of a good joke! :wink: And besides what about our Lacuna friends and others…

Always wondered where Nicolas S got the inspiration for LoRa from …cold war radar implementations indeed!

Also could be gw seperation is 5m one way and 40074995m the otherway with the likely error/uncertainty values for the basic timestamp (ok yes I know EM travels in straight lines…) taking circumference as ~40075km :smile:

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Maybe one Gateway was really in Geo-Stationary orbit ?

…an ambition?! :wink:
And besides would save dealing with all that LEO doplar nonsence! :rofl:

heat shrink :sunglasses:

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Just spotted this Rob so now am SURE you will want to!.. :smile:

oh no … to many interesting things… stop that Jeff :scream:

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Wow, these 2A LiFePO4 protector boards are really small (battery is AA size):


ah… you found them :cowboy_hat_face:

yep very small… but low currents too

Q : at what voltage ‘it’ switches off ?