TTN V2 to The Things Stack V3 Transition

I deleted my gateway from V2 (was using the UK Digital Catapult and recreated the gateway and app in V3 in EU1. The application works, although my gateway shows as disconnected in V3. When I inspect traffic routing for the application it appears the gateway is still connected via V2 with forwarding, although I don’t have any listed. Could this be something to do with the fact I was using Digital Catapult initially? Not sure how to resolve? Please can you help.

That is 50% of the work. On the gateway you need to point it to V3 as well. (For TTIG there will be a use interface to do this later this year)

however the moment you move it to V3 all V2 apps won’t get data. All applications of other TTN community member that rely on your gateway will fail. So for now please do not migrate gateways just yet. Give everyone a chance to move their applications (and devices) first.

The idea that has been discussed between the Forum Mods and core staff it to hopefully amend the TTN Map displays in the future to perhaps colour code to differentiate between V2 & V3 Gateways in same way current vs not seen for a time are also coded (before older items aged off Map if not seen for extended period). With lots of others work to be done this may be awhile. For now a bigger issue is to make user migrating GWs or adding new ones in V3 make sure they still show their gw location and make public otherwise wont be seen at all! Default ( I understand) is currently box unticked…so Please All go share! :wink: )

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:thinking: what is best process for migrating TTGW (Kickstarter Gw), once finally ready to lift & shift? I may need to go play with that one to see how best done… area well served by other V2’s so little risk to my or others V2 devices & Apps :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply. This makes more sense now, I thought it would automatically pick up the change when associating. No problem, I guess I can reregister the gateway back in V2 and then build my applications in V3. Thanks again.

Is there a specific order to remove apps/devices after moving to v3? Eg : first : remove API keys, then integrations, then …, then collaborators, or will removing the application delete all that (cascaded delete) ?

I have followed this instruction successfully.:


Here is a quick howto that I use to connect a Kickstarter gateway (KSG) to V3:

  1. Create a gateway in V3.
    a. Give a name to the gateway (Gateway ID) no Gateway EUI!
    b. Choose the frequency plan “Europe 863-870 MHz (SF9 for RX2 - recommended)” which applies to my situation.
    c. Save it
  2. In V3 gateway select API Settings
    a. Select Add API key,
    b. Provide a name for the key
    c. Select “Grant Individual rights”
    d. select “link as Gateway to a Gateway Server for traffic exchange, i.e. write uplink and read downlink”
    e. click “Generate API Key”
    f. Copy the API key to your clipboard (and save it somewhere safe. You cannot read it anymore afterwards)
    g. click “I have copied the key”
  3. Connect to the WiFI accesspoint of the gateway with SSID: “TheThings-Gateway-xxxxx”
  4. Browse to
  5. In the “gateway Settings” menu:
    a. At Gateway ID fill in the gateway ID from step 1.a.
    b. click advanced options open
    c. At account server fill in the URL from V3:
    d. At gateway Key fill in the key from 2.f.
    e. click Save.
  6. The KSG will reset connect to V3. The status will change and date will enter at “live data”

Before I raise as a bug - quick check to see if this intentionally The Things Stack v3

Screenshot 2021-01-30 at 18.46.30

f_cnt (number) object is missing from uplink_message when f_cnt = 0 …

is that considered a bug ??

Screenshot 2021-01-30 at 18.52.53

As I understand, switching a gateway from V2 to V3 only means changing the server hostname (apart from registering on the V3 system, of course). This will need to administrate the gateway’s setup interface.

Reconfiguring gateways already deployed at locations that are different to reach will in many cases become a serious problem when the time has come, I’m afraid.

I wonder if it would be possible to automatically switch V2 gateways to V3 (of course still using the old packet forwarder) by simply DNS-resolving the old hostname to the new (and similar for other regions)? If the V2 world is shut down anyway, the host entry is no longer used, isn’t it?

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Only on the day TTI turn off V2. Until then, it will still be in use.

Yes, of course. I should have written “after the V2 world is shut down” :slight_smile:

Do the April and September timelines regarding V2 refer to the start or end of the month?

Unknown as yet, I’m sure once the TTI crew have recovered from the Conference they will be able to schedule a bit more definitively.

For now, what ever you do, do not move your V2 gateways to V3 as it will break TTN for anyone in your area that hasn’t moved their devices.

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And keep in mind that there is much more involved in a migration than just ‘moving devices’ from V2 to V3.

Is it true that disabling frame counter checks no longer returns in V3?

No one responded to that same question last year… it seems the answer is yes. Disable Frame Counter Checks in V3

Is it not enough to use the (public) contact information for this? If not, we could add a simple text field for the owner/sponsor. I don’t know if connecting another user or org is necessary.

ANYTHING that helps someone get in contact with someone that has anything to do with a gateway, the more info the better.

A flag that says “I’m officially in the local community, not just auto-added by TTN” would be good.

As would another flag that says “Contact me, I can help you get started”.

And another that says “Wife turns off gateway whilst blow-drying hair, do not rely on it”

Or put a checkbox on the attributes line that displays any public ones on the public page.

Or provide an API that allows certain attributes to be cherry picked out for community consumption.

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Did I miss this piece of information anywhere: When exactly will TTN V2 be shut down?

I cannot find any information other than “later this year”…