Which settings to use in TTN Mapper?

Hi there,

Im quite new to the ttn and im starting to get my head around the architecture etc.
Im based in Melbourne and have downloaded the ttm mapper ios app, im having dramas with the settings on the app to get started.
I can see the KPMG and IAG towers on the ttn map but use to app at all to connect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Sorry about the typos im having troubles using the ttn app to connect to the towers

This is about the android version. I don’t know the iOS version but you might find some settings that you could use


Or else you should post some screenshots with the settings. If it doesn’t match this recently updated android version that at least it should match the previous version.

Hi @Accessable. Have you first confirmed that your device is receiving data on TTN?

im having dramas with the settings on the app

What kind of dramas?

This is where im at as far as the ttn mapper goes .
Im unsure what settings to use.



May I suggest to tap “How to create a QR code”…?

Im actually unsure as to what Information i need to input into these fields. I.e device id etc etc

So, what happened when you tapped “How to create a QR code”…?

You still need the inputs for the fields im unsure what to put in the required fields

The fields are as follows

Handler region. (Im in melbourne australia)
Device id. (Not sure im using an iphone 7 plus)
Application id
Application access key

I have no idea where to start on this one, ive tried a few times with no success



  • Handler region, "e.g. eu"

    The region used when registering the application in https://console.thethingsnetwork.org/applications, such as asia-se, brazil, eu or us-west, and which is also shown as the last characters in something like “ttn-handler-eu” in the Application Overview:

  • Device ID, “e.g. my-dev-id (for all nodes use the + wildcard)”

    The name you’ve chosen yourself when you added a device to the above application, shown on the Device Overview:

    When using the + wildcard instead of a specific name, then make sure to take all application’s devices on the go when using TTN Mapper, for TNN Mapper cannot know which devices are close to your mobile phone, and which are not…

  • Application ID, “e.g. my-app-id. This is not your Application EUI!”

    The name you’ve chosen yourself when you created the application, which is visible on both the above Application Overview and Device Overview.

  • Application Access Key, “58-character access key starting with ttn-account”

    The value from “default key” (or any key that is labeled “messages”) in Access Keys in your Application Overview. The value is revealed after clicking the little “eye” icon on the left, or is copied to the clipboard after clicking the “clipboard” icon on the right:

    You can also generate a more restricted key just for TTN Mapper, by clicking the “manage keys” option (or “Settings”, “Access Keys”), followed by “generate new access key”:

    …which will get you:

    This way TTN Mapper cannot get the secrets of your devices (or even change the devices), and you can also revoke the key at some later time.


Are you sure this wildcard + really works? I guess the underlying assumption is that this is pasted into the mqtt topic, but is this really the case for the iOS app?

In short; if it would fail, just try to replace it with your actual device id. And that’s the device of the LoRa node, not the device id from your phone as you suspected :slight_smile:

I don’t know, but the screenshot says “The TTN Mapper app will connect to the TTN backend using MQTT”, so I guess a wildcard would work.

I just copied the hints that are shown as placeholders in the screenshot of the iOS app. But assuming the wildcard works, I don’t see how that’s useful, unless one takes multiple nodes on the go while using TTN Mapper… (One surely should not use a wildcard when not taking all its devices on the go.)

@Accessable I hope you got the app working by now. The hints provided by @arjanvanb should get you on the right track.

Regarding the wildcard, I can confirm it works. It is just included in the mqtt topic. It’s particularly usefull when using multiple devices (maybe with different SF’s or something) at the same time when mapping. Or for ease of use when you have devices with long names. I rarely use it myself though.